Savoie /Altitude: 1800 > 3050 m


Station Styles
Montagne aventure
Village de charme
Tourist Office
Office de tourisme de Haute Maurienne Vanoise
La Ciamarella 73480
Tel: 0479059595
Fax: 0479058687
Tel: 04 79 05 99 10


3050 m
1800 m
Temp. prévue vers midi : -5°C
3050 m
5 km/h Sud-Est
1800 m
0 km/h
Weather forecast
Credit: OTHMV
Credit: OTHMV
Credit: Daniel Durand Fresh Influence
Credit: OTHMV Tristan Shu
Credit: OTHMV Tristan Shu


Bonneval sur Arc, pépite des Alpes. Plein cadre sur la Vanoise, son Parc National et ses glaciers au cœur de l’un des « plus beaux villages de France ».

Conservation area being part of the association 'LES PLUS BEAUX VILLAGE DE FRANCE', this beautiful village with stone tile roofs offers from December to the end of April an exceptional snow for all glides between 1800 m and 3000 m, near the glaciers.At an altitude of over 1800 m, Bonneval is the highest village in the Maurienne, the valley created by the Arc River in the Savoy region of south-eastern France.The love of big spaces in a grandiose décor, between the Maurienne and the ltaly in the heart of Vanoise National Park.